cl_timenudge is probably the most important quake 3 command when watching
matches on GTV. With cl_timenudge set to 300-500 viewing will be much
smoother, even with large amounts of packet loss.
The technical explanation:
The cl_timenudge command tells quake 3 to run a certain number of milliseconds
"behind" the actual game time. In other words if quake 3 receives a snapshot
with a timestamp of 30000ms and cl_timenudge is 400 it will process that snapshot
at 30400ms instead of 30000. It adds, or nudges, 400ms on to the game time
that the snapshot is valid for. With cl_timenudge set to 500 in a regular
game you are effectively watching a recording of the game delayed by 500ms.
When watching a game on GTV, you are watching a recording, delayed by whatever
number of seconds the server admin has chosen. When watching a recording there
is no such thing as lag, based on ping times. You can still have packet loss,
which can create
lag, but thats where cl_timenudge can help out a lot. With cl_timenudge set
to 500, you can have 500ms of solid packet loss before quake 3 has to start
extrapolating (predicting). For example, in a normal game, when a packet
is lost, quake 3 has to guess what that packet would have contained, which
is called extrapolating (predicting). You get a yellow spike on the top
part of the netgraph when this happens. Extrapolating is a guess at what
the players/(entities) are going to do. Since human motion is not predictable
you get prediction errors, and therfore "lag". With cl_timenudge 500, if one packet
is lost, because you are watching a recording, quake 3 can look ahead to the
next packet, and interpolate between them. Blue on the netgraph means
quake 3 is interpolating between packets. When interpolating quake 3 does not
have to guess. It knows what the next snapshot will contain, where the players
are going to move to, what the entities in the game are doing, etc. Players, entities
simply get moved in a straight line from their current position to the position
in the next packet. Normally you cant see this, but under conditions of extremely
high packet loss it can be seen.